Twitch streamer NaDeXeY catches his girlfriend cheating on live stream after a strange text me

In a recent live stream, Twitch streamer NaDeXe revealed how he caught his girlfriend cheating on him on Snapchat.

NaDeXe was playing COD: Modern Warfare when he revealed that he recently caught his girlfriend cheating on him. The streamer said that this was not the first time that she had cheated on him. It happened around 4 years ago too.

NaDeXe is generally discrete about his private life, with not a lot of details known about his relationship status. He was earlier rumored to be dating a girl named Maishely, although NaDeXe revealed that the name of the recent girl that he was referring to during the stream was “Carmen.”

NaDeXe reveals how he caught his girlfriend cheating on him for the second time

NaDeXe was playing COD: Modern Warfare when he decided to tell the chat exactly how he had caught his girlfriend cheating on him. The streamer revealed that she acted “strange” when he grabbed her phone playfully one night. This was after the two had been intimate with each other.

“Let me tell you exactly what happened that night. I’m having a good time. She’s over here telling me she loves me and s**t, I was getting ready to stream late that night. This is about 11 or 12 or some s**t. First thing I do I grab her phone. As soon as I grab her phone, she’s like trying to pull it away from me.”

NaDeXe revealed that this made him suspicious, after which he decided to check the “photos” while holding the phone out of his girlfriend’s reach.

“I don’t go through her phone like I literally do I never go through her phone because I trust her right? When I click on photos, I see a picture, a screenshot of an “iMessage” photo of somebody named Monique.”

According to NaDeXe, his girlfriend claimed that Monique was the name of her friend’s “girlfriend.” The streamer ended up pulling up the screenshot and read out the “incriminating” messages for his viewers.

“It says, like the messages that Carmen wrote to this person were “I don’t wanna lose that love that spark that brought us together.” And then she texts back or he texts back I don’t know “it’ll never go away babe. It will keep on growing.”

NaDeXe revealed that this caused him to lose his temper and the couple even had some house guests over. Regardless, the streamer ended up “losing his shit,” and revealed he had trouble controlling his temper.

“You don’t understand, that when I get mad I start freaking the f**k out. Like you don’t wanna see me when I get mad. Like when I get mad it’s over.”

NaDeXe’s girlfriend told him that the “guy in question” was a fan of the streamer and was merely trying to troll him. NaDeXe then decided to text the guy from her phone, and talked about how easy it can be for people to “cheat” on Snapchat.

“You don’t save the messages and the conversation goes away. I pull up the Snapchat and I sent this dude the picture of the iMessage right, the Monique s**t.”

The streamer talked to the guy pretending to be her, and managed to coax him into sending him some more messages. The guy confessed that he had sent the messages in question to Carmen no more than two hours prior to the conversation. As can be seen in the video, the streamer read out a number of incriminating texts.

“She is over here telling me that she is not cheating and the dude is trolling me because he knows who I am and he obviously knows that’s not her texting him. I don’t know bro I was just freaking out. Like I was banging on doors, I threw her phone across the map. Like that s**t was bad. I won’t be doing that s**t bro. Like I am too old for this lame ass s**t bro. I told her a** straight up. If you wanna cheat on me, just tell me the truth. Stop lying to me, stop playing games with me.”

The streamer revealed that that his girlfriend still stuck to her “story,” which eventually forced him to leave the house. However, NaDeXe ended up punching a hole in the wall on his way out.

“I was banging on her mom’s door. I don’t give a f**k if the dad was in there either. I was banging on their door. I told them get the f**k out here. I wanna talk to you guys right now. So then the mom came out there and I told her that your daughter is a f***ing cheater. I worked my ass off, and your daughter is there texting other men.”

NaDeXe revealed some more details about what he said to the guy who his girlfriend had cheated on him with. By his own account, the streamer struggled to contain his anger. His reaction to the overall situation appears far from ideal.

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