Yone has been one of the most popular champions in League of Legends ever since he arrived in the game. The brother of Yasuo primarily functions as an assassin able to destroy his opponents with his modified crit rate and consistent DPS. However, Yone's mixed damage, along with his deceptive tankiness, have allowed players to experiment with a variety of builds on him.
The latest addition to that list is Yone with Evenshroud as his Mythic item. Prominent pro players such as Jeong "Chovy" Ji-hoon and Heo "ShowMaker" Su have been using this build quite a lot in their recent solo queue games. This article will explore everything you need about this weird Yone build.
Yone's identity has generally remained consistent ever since his release. He is a decent laner with great all-in potential once he hits level six. As such, getting past the early game will be key in the mid-lane, where mages are usually prevalent.
With this in mind, the recommended rune set for Yone, even with a new build, remains the same. The recommended rune page and summoner spells for the League of Legends Season 13 Yone Evenshroud build are:
This will provide Yone with great teamfighting and 1v1 potential thanks to Lethal Tempo and Last Stand. Second Wind will also help Yone breeze past the laning phase with relative ease, as demonstrated by Chovy and Shoemaker in their solo queue games.
The signature item that the new League of Legends Yone build revolves around is the tank support item, Evenshroud. Due to this, a typical crit build will not be opted for. Instead, a hybrid item build will complement this pseudo-tank Yone setup.
Starting items
Mythic and core items
Late game items
Doran's Blade will be the no-brainer starting item against melee matchups, while Doran's Shield will be the staple pickup against ranged matchups. Make sure to always rush Berserker Greaves, as it greatly helps reduce the cooldown of your Q ability.
Blade of The Ruined King, along with Mortal Reminder and Evenshroud, make for an incredibly solid core build. The former items should be built first as it gives Yone excellent dueling potential and sustainability. Evenshroud will round out the three-item core as it provides him with more tankiness while also amplifying his damage and his teammates.
Pairing this with options to increase your sustained power, such as Immortal Shieldbow and Death's Dance, makes you a constant annoyance and a dangerous threat to enemy carries in teamfights. Alternative options include Abyssal Mask if your team has a lot of magic damage to follow up on your Evenshroud passive.
With this build, you will be looking to be a decent damage threat while also being more of a facilitator for other carries in your team to cause havoc. It is to be expected that this build is definitely not the best for hard-carrying games or in matches where you are the primary sustain damage source for the team.
In conclusion, Evenshroud is a bizarre yet effective item on Yone in certain League of Legends matches. It is not a build that can be used every single game and only shines in certain scenarios.
However, trying out new builds can provide some refreshment and enjoyable games for players. The items also dovetail quite well with Yone's kit in the right circumstances. This makes it an interesting endeavor that League of Legends can look to explore in their matches with the Unforgotten.
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