Jessica Albas Hair Has its Own Instagram Hashtag

Premiere Of Dimension Films' "Sin City: A Dame To Kill For" - Red Carpet

Social networking websites Twitter and Instagram have given rise to a whole new method of labeling and categorizing content.  According to sources, the first hashtag is credited to open source advocate, Chris Messina.  After borrowing the idea from a similar system that was used to label chatroom groups and topics, Messina tweeted “how do you feel about using # (pound) for groups. As in #barcamp [msg]?” in 2007. The ability to “hashtag” words, phrases, and/or pictures has become such a large part of modern culture that the word hashtag was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in June 2014. Users enjoy hashtags because they allow their messages to be grouped with similar messages and users interested in any particular topic can simply search a hashtag related to the subject. Celebrities and current events are often among the most hash tagged subjects, and many users add hashtags to their posts in hopes that they will get noticed by a larger audience. However, nothing is too small or unimportant to be worthy of a hashtag, and even celebrities have joined in on the fun.

Actress Jessica Alba,  an avid user of social networking sites, is among the big names who has joined in on the hashtag hoopla. With more than four million followers on Instagram alone, Alba rarely uploads a picture without adding several descriptive hashtags.  However, while Alba is busy hashtagging things of her own, there are countless users who are busy hashtagging her.  There are currently more than 20 hashtags dedicated to Alba, and among the most popular is a hashtag dedicated to her flawless locks.  Here are the best hairstyles under the Instagram hashtag #jessicaalbahair.


This Instagram user looks like she’s ready to hit the red carpet with her #jessicaalbahair.


These subtle blonde highlights are reminiscent of #jessicaalbahair in the 2003 damn film, Honey.


This braid-bun combination shows the amazing versatility that comes with rocking a #jessicaalbahair inspired up do.


With a slight windblown look, this version of #jessicaalbahair is neat enough to be considered acceptable yet messy enough to be considered art.


Complete with Alba’s signature middle part, this up do is enough to make anyone want #jessicaalbahair.

(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
