Genshin Impact players have likely come across the Good Sign quest during their travels, as this commission appears frequently in Liyue.
This quest tasks players with finding signs of love and good fortune for an NPC called Zhihua, a man in Liyue who is pondering his future. Travelers will receive two random signs of love to locate as they complete this commission, and they have the opportunity to get two secret achievements from it. Therefore, they should make sure to pay attention to these signs as they complete this task, as it may provide them with hidden rewards.
Completing this Genshin Impact commission is a simple task that shouldn't take players very long, but getting these hidden achievements may take some time. Travelers will first have to meet with Zhihua to begin hunting down these good signs.
Once they meet Zhihua, they will receive 2 random signs of love that they will have to track down in Liyue. These signs are as follows:
Once players observe the two signs that they are tasked with, they can return to Zhihua to get his insight on the situation, receive their EXP, and get one step closer to completing their Daily Commission. However, if players want to complete the two hidden achievements, they will need to perform some additional tasks.
To get the "Love is all Around" achievement, players will simply need to view each and every sign without disturbing them, which will take them several attempts. Travelers will have to complete this commission at least 5 times to view each event peacefully, but after they have seen each good sign, they can receive this reward. This achievement has taken players some time to receive, but the 5 Primogem reward is definitely worth it.
This achievement will take some extra work from players, as they will need to actively disturb and destroy the good signs during the commission. To obtain this achievement they will need to do the following:
After they have successfully destroyed all four of these signs, they will receive this hidden achievement. This will take at least two attempts, so players will have to stay vigilant.
Travelers have a lot of options when completing this commission, so they should make sure to keep both of these hidden achievements in mind.
For more information and updates, follow Sportskeeda's Genshin Impact hub.
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